Thank you for your interest in Shakespeare Papers custom research and writing service. Our team of professional academics are available 24/7 to complete your exemplary paper. Shakespeare Papers has been offering professionally written essays and term papers since 1999.
Please enter the instructions for your paper in the field below. Be sure to include the exact instructions of your assignment. Provide us with as much detail as possible about the topic you would like us to discuss in your essay.
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The bibliography (also known as a "works cited page") is where we list the sources we used in our research of your topic. How many sources are required for your bibliography or work cited page?
All paper deliveries via email come in two forms: once as "plain" text in the body of an email message and, again, as a "file attachment" compatible with most modern word processors. It is not necessary to be able to view the file version of our paper, however, as the "plain text" version works with ANY computer and ANY email program. Email is the fastest method for our customers and we work around the clock day and night to make sure all papers are e-mailed successfully!
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Federal Express will deliver papers to street addresses (not to Post Office boxes) 1-2 days after we complete them. If you are requesting any of our emergency, rush services, Federal Express is not a good choice for delivery as email or fax will get our paper to you the same day we finish it.
All orders are sent via email, fax or FedEx. Please be sure to check your bulk mail folder to see if you receive any communication from us.
It's simple, enter the EXACT details from your assignment. Do not leave anything out. Our writer needs to see everything in your order to properly assist you. Providing us the exact details for your assignment is the only way that our writer will have a chance to provide you with best possible custom essay.
Here are some facts that you might like to include in your description:
Please be sure to include them if anything like this is required.
Perhaps you are seeking help with a Personal Essay. If so, please include as much background about yourself as possible.
If you have any questions prior to ordering, simply call us at 609-518-7811 or you can also email us at:
Enter the number of pages or words
This is where you enter the number of sources required to be listed in the bibliography or work cited page. If no sources are required please enter zero.
We will make copies of the sources that we use for the essay and include the copies when we send the essay to you.
Select which style you’d like us to use for the sources. If you don’t know, use the "APA" citation style.
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